This course is intended as a self-study course for those interested in exploring a career as a Home Health Aide or Personal Care Aide.
    口腔种植学是口腔教育中较新的学科。虽然现在我们都有共识,种植⽛相关的理论知识,⽆论是治疗⽅案的规划,还是后期的随访和维护,对于每⼀个职业⽛医都⾮常重要。然⽽,在当下全球的口腔医学本科培养体系中,它的覆盖程度还远远落后于其重要性。 在此背景下,香港大学口腔医学院联合⾹港⼤学的线上教育专业团队,历时⼀年有余,设计并制作了这门为期五周的⽹络公开课,旨在传播以循证医学为基础的,客观、全⾯的⽛种植学相关知识。这门课程⾯向全球,双语教学,完全免费。学员将在20 多位全球领先的种植学专家的带领下,完成五个模块,系统地学习⽛种植学。
      Welcome to Trauma Emergencies and Care. In this course, you will learn about some of the mechanics and physics of trauma on the human body, and how this can cause injury. You will continue to expand your new vocabulary with medical terminology, and learn how to describe the different injuries you may see. You will also learn about the trauma system itself- and when it is important to transport patients to a trauma center. Then we will dive into specific injuries based on what part of the body may be injured- or trauma by system. There are different considerations in the trauma patients depending on both how, and where, they are injured. And of course- you will learn your standard approach to a history and physical exam of the trauma patient. Finally, you will learn about something that you hope to never encounter: mass casualty incidents, or MCI’s. These are occurrences where you may have multiple patients, and there is an organized and specific approach as a provider in these circumstances.
        Cardiovascular diseases are – according to the (World Health Organization (WHO) – the number one cause of death globally. Myocardial infarction (heart attack) is the most prominent under the Cardiovascular diseases. In Switzerland alone, the risk to develop a coronary heart disease during life time is around 25% for men and 18% for women. Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioral risk factors, the understanding of these risk factors, their mechanisms and impact on the cardiovascular system. In this context our course aims to approach the complex field of myocardial infarction in two respects: medical education and awareness of a broader audience.
          In this course, you will learn some core components in supporting parents of newborn babies. The Supporting Parents of Newborn Babies Course will teach you best practices for what to expect in the newborn exam and how to best support parents, partners, and other caregivers. This course examines post-partum depression, early bonding, and touch. This course introduces the important role of supportive partners and parents, in varied households, and what that support looks like. With every household as different, how can we effectively provide support as partners, fathers, co-parents, grandparents, and other guardians? As example, what are special considerations in adoption? We wrap the Newborn Baby Care four course specialization with a guest appearance by a newborn baby, and a live Skills examination performed by course instructor, Dr. Mary Kohn. In this module we will learn about maternal and paternal mood concerns that can occur after the birth of a baby. The module will review a continuum of concerns ranging from very typical mood disruptions in the first few weeks after birth, called baby blues, to more serious issues such as pregnancy-related depression and anxiety. The learner will receive an introduction into preventative techniques new parents can use to protect their mood as well as common interventions that can be effective in treating pregnancy-related mood concerns. This module presents critical information about establishing relationships with newborns. This module will teach you about the significance of early relationships on lifelong health and development. We will learn about bonding and attachment and the impact of adverse experiences and environments on brain development and newborn and young child well-being. We will also identify what parents and caregivers can do to enhance relationships and support newborn well-being, including kangarooing or skin-to-skin care. In this final module, we observe and participate in a Skills Video which demonstrates an actual in-hospital examination of our guest star newborn. The first portion features Anne Behring weighing and measuring the newborn baby. Growth parameters, the measurements of babies weight, length and head circumference, are important indicators of their well-being. In this module, Anne Behring, a nurse with decades of experience in the care of newborns will demonstrate the techniques necessary for accurate measurement. In order to evaluate if the measurements are appropriate for the newborn, one must be certain about the gestational age. Ms. Behring will also demonstrate the Ballard Exam for assessment of gestational age. A newborn baby is an amazing beautiful life filled with hope. Unfortunately, many babies die or experience preventable harm even in 21st century. It is imperative that babies who are born healthy get off to a healthy start in the first month of life. There are some easy tenets of care to implement that help ensure that babies and families get off to a healthy start no matter where they are in the world. In this specialization learners will acquire the skills necessary for newborn baby care to optimize their health in the hours, days and weeks after they are born.
            In the final course of the Healthcare IT Support program, we will focus on the types of healthcare data that you need to be aware, complexities of security and privacy within healthcare, and issues related to compliance and reporting. As a health IT support specialist, you’ll be exposed to different types of data sources and data elements that are utilized in healthcare. It’s important for you to understand the basic language of healthcare data and for you to recognize the sensitive nature of protected health information (PHI). Maintaining data privacy and security is everyone’s responsibility, including IT support staff! We’ll go into detail about HIPAA and the risks associated with security breaches, ransomware and phishing. We’ll go into detail about some of the key laws and regulations specific to healthcare and the importance of compliance with them. You'll leave this course well versed on the Stark Law, the Joint Commission and the purpose of quality measures. We wrap up the Healthcare IT Support certificate with tips on job interviews, skills that can make you standout, and words of advice on the endless possibilities in this dynamic and growing field. Make sure you talk to others who’ve been there before about the process of being hired at a large health system. Be rest assured that you’ll receive training when you start a new role, and you might even be partnered with someone else for the first few weeks as you get onboarded. Remember, this is not the end--rather, it’s just the beginning of the next step in your journey!
              This course is designed with a singular goal: to improve the care you provide to your patients with substance use disorders. By delving into a model case performed by actors, seven Yale instructors from various fields provide techniques to screen your patients for substance use disorder risk, diagnose patients to gauge the severity of their use, directly manage treatment plans, refer out to treatment services, and navigate the various conditions that may limit your patient’s access to treatment. You will ultimately be prepared to provide compassionate and evidence-based care to a large population of patients living with addiction— a chronic, often relapsing-remitting disease, but a treatable one. This course is supported in part by SAMHSA of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of financial assistance awards from grant #1H79FG000023 totaling $249,900 and grant #3H79TI081968-02S1 from SAMHSA totaling $1,354,651 with 100 percent funded by SAMHSA/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by SAMHSA/HHS, or the U.S. Government. Note: The content in this course is intended solely to inform and educate medical professionals. This site shall not be used for medical advice and is not a substitute for the advice or treatment of a qualified medical professional.
                In this course, you will get a thorough introduction to the emergency medical services system, and learn the foundation components to how it works as a whole. You will also learn the nuts and bolts of becoming a healthcare provider, and gain some basic knowledge about the human body. By the end of the course, you will be able to 1) understand the history and components of the EMS system, 2) speak the language of medicine with basic medical terminology, as well as have an understanding of basic human anatomy, 3) understand the different types of communications and how they are specific to EMS, 4) take vital signs and master the normal from the abnormal, and 5) master personal and scene safety, and begin the process of patient assessment.
                  Please join us for an exciting and innovative journey, examining one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of the oncology setting: Traditional Herbal Medicine in Supportive Cancer Care. This course is presented with short lectures offering a wide range of issues related to the principles and practice of herbal medicine in cancer care. The course includes interviews with leading world experts from the field of Integrative Oncology, from the U.S. and Canada, as well as Europe, the Middle East, China and Japan. By the end of the course, you will: • Understand core concepts in Integrative Oncology, as they relate to the supportive/palliative cancer care setting • Acquire effective communication skills which will foster a better understanding of patients' views on herbal medicine, while providing guidance on the safe and effective use of these products • Be able to design, together with patients, caregivers and healthcare providers, a patient-tailored and cultural-sensitive integrative oncology treatment program, including the use of herbal medicine • Be acquainted with leading "players" who can share their experience in creating and implementing an integrative oncology program The course has been specially designed to provide information and guidance at a level appropriate for patients and non-medical participants, as well as medical professionals interested in receiving evidence-based guidance on the safety and effectiveness of herbal medicine in cancer care.
                    In this culminating course in the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Specialization, you will apply the skills you have acquired across the previous six courses to address a realistic patient safety issue confronting Mercy Grace, a 500-bed urban hospital that is part of a larger hospital system. Based on the scenario provided, you will assess the situation and work through the problem using a variety of tools and strategies. You will have the opportunity to identify defects, root causes, and potential mitigation strategies; you will create a project implementation plan for addressing the issue in the form of an A3; you will identify risks of project failure and design a change management plan; you will identify means of converting the project from local to system-wide; and you will identify quality and safety measurements that will be used in evaluating the success of the project’s implementation.